তারুণ্যের উৎসব ২০২৫ |
In Ramanathpur village of Jhalkathi district
Kittipasa from Jhalkathi by auto or motorbike or any other vehicle. From Kittipasha to Runsi to Ramanathpur.
Fair: From Jhalkathi to Kittipasha by auto: 20 taka from Kittipasha by auto to Dighi 10 taka.
Beshnai Mallik's Dighi still exists among the many Dighis in Ramanathpur. Legends surround this lake.
Next to it is a special part of one of the buildings of Runshi village Beshnai Mallik. There are two palm trees that bear fruit.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS